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Friday, August 7, 2009

Evening Assessment: C+/B-

I had a professor at RWC who often issued us in-between grades such as: Check(-)...and she'd write the "grade" in pencil, as if to emphasize the impermanence of the fuzzy assessment. It used to annoy me, but as I age, I more greatly appreciate the value of approximations.

All that is to say (with a tantrum-throwing pre-schooler carrying out a completely irrational fit beside me on the living room floor): For today, C(+). No sweets, but not enough water, not enough stretching, and no formal exercise.

As Mom says, "Tomorrow is another day."


  1. Is there any place in A-Town that offers yoga? I started a yoga program about six months ago and it is probably the best thing I have ever done for myself! I'm sure you would enjoy it as well :)

  2. Yes, there's yoga--just started on Saturday mornings. However, scheduling has been a problem for me. I have only been able to attend once so far. But it's a nice option, and the instructor said she's looking for opportunities to offer more sessions, so hopefully......
